Latest Episodes
032 Darcy Kitching, Community Builder
For episode thirty-two, I spoke with Darcy Kitching who is a community builder in Boulder. Darcy is the author of the book The Best...
031 Laura Rossbert, Trauma Informed Design
For episode thirty-one, I spoke with Laura Rossbert who has helped develop a framework called Trauma Informed Design in her role at Shopworks Architecture...
030 Aaron Brockett, Mayor of Boulder
For episode thirty, I spoke with Aaron Brockett, the mayor of Boulder. We talked about the all-new direct election mayor’s race in Boulder and...
Announcing Season 3!
I am excited to announce the imminent arrival of season 3 of Sharing Boulder. In this mini-episode I talk about the upcoming season, introduce...
Sharing Boulder Theme Song
029 Jennifer Fluri, Geographies of racial capitalism
For episode 29, I spoke with Jennifer Fluri who is a Professor of Geography at the University of Colorado at Boulder and co-founder and...